Silver Lake Nature Center’s Earthship Teaches Sustainability with Sun-Mar Composting Toilet
Silver Lake Nature Center has constructed an Earthship in Bristol, Pennsylvania. An Earthship is a sustainable building that contains only natural and upcycled materials. The walls for example, are constructed from used tires filled with soil. The Earthship is completely self-sufficient and does not require a heating or cooling system to regulate temperature within the structure. All water used in the building comes from rainwater which is then put through a filtration system so it can be reused. In place of a flushing toilet, the Earthship has installed a Sun-Mar Excel NE composting toilet.
The Earthship is a great place for the community to come and learn about sustainable living. Silver Lake Nature Center regularly hosts classes and workshops inside the Earthship Environmental Education Classroom. These classes aim to teach people about changes they can make to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle.
The addition of a composting toilet in the Earthship continues to ensure that the building can truly accomplish sustainability. The Sun-Mar composting toilet is completely self-contained and does not require the use of any of the precious resources the Earthship actively collects such as, water. The installation of the Excel series toilet is yet another example for visitors to show how small changes can make a large impact.
“When we explain the composting toilet to visitors, it generates a lot of curiosity,” stated Danielle Morrisey, Earthship Steward “It’s very simple to use, and we have had a great experience with it.”
About Silver Lake Nature Center
The Silver Lake Nature Center is a facility of the Bucks County Department of Parks and Recreation. The non-profit organization, the Friends of Silver Lake Nature Center assists the County by sponsoring all of the programs, providing staff, representing the community’s interest and advocating for the Center. The center features many activities such as, 4.5 miles of walking trails, natural play area for kids, auditorium and Earthship.